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LEED Certification and the Point System

Now that you’ve seen some of the benefits to LEED Certification, let’s look at the actual heart of the programs and the various levels and factors that affect the ratings.

LEED Certification

  • LEED for New Construction
  • LEED for Commercial Interiors: operation and maintenance
  • LEED for Existing Buildings
  • LEED for Core and Shell
  • LEED for Schools
  • LEED for Homes
  • LEED for Neighborhood Development
  • LEED for Retail
  • LEED for Healthcare

LEED 2009 For New Construction and Major Renovations

The LEED rating system was first introduced in the year 2000 and is continuing to shape the building industry. There are eight prerequisites and five points categories.


  • Construction activity pollution prevention
  • Water use reduction
  • Minimum energy performance (ASHRAE 90.1)
  • Fundamental commissioning of building energy systems • Fundamental refrigeration management
  • Storage and collection of recyclables
  • Minimum IAQ performance (ASHRAE 62)
  • Environmental tobacco smoke control

Point System

Five basic categories make up the design points system. Totaled together, these points determine your certification level. The level of certification depends upon the total number of points.

As you can see, energy and atmosphere along with indoor environmental quality factors make up half of the available basic points. Product solutions from ClimateMaster are a perfect fit for these categories and can also offer additional points for enhanced solutions.

Five categories for accumulating points

  1. Sustainable sites……………………………………………………26 Points
  2. Water efficiency……………………………………………………..10 Points
  3. Energy and atmosphere*……………………………………….35 Points
  4. Materials and resources…………………………………………14 Points
  5. Indoor environmental quality*………………………………..15 Points

Subtotal: 100 Points

*ClimateMaster Solutions for maximizing points

Additional points are available through:

  • Innovation in design………………………………………6 Points
  • Regional priority…………………………………………….4 Points

The ClimateMaster Solution

By choosing ClimateMaster Water-Source Heat Pumps, you can help satisfy more than half of the requirements for LEED Certification.

How Does ClimateMaster Help Satisfy LEED Requirements?

Optimized Energy Efficiency

ClimateMaster produces the world’s most efficient geothermal and water-source heat pumps. Since the LEED program assigns additional points based upon increased efficiency beyond ASHRAE 90.1 minimums, equipment selection can greatly affect the total number of points. For example, the ASHRAE 90.1-2007 specifies a minimum efficiency of 12 EER for water source equipment.

The Tranquility® 30 Series boasts an efficiency rating up to 30 EER when used with a ground loop. The reduced energy consumption of buildings designed around the Tranquility Series can add a significant number of points for existing construction or new construction when used in conjunction with a geothermal loop system. Therefore, ClimateMaster equipment can provide a large percentage of points depending upon equipment selection.

Building Energy Reduction Ozone Depletion

ClimateMaster’s commitment to environmentally friendly design is reflected in the development of new products with zero ozone depletion refrigerants, such as EarthPure® (HFC-410A). EarthPure is already being used in the Tranquility family of products, and will continue to be incorporated into other product lines in the future. Two LEED points are available for selecting products with EarthPure.




Optimized energy performance

up to 19

Ozone depletion

Systems without HCFCs. The Tranquility® Family of products use EarthPure® HFC-410A refrigerant


Measurement and verification

Monitoring and optimization of building energy and water consumption – DDC controls


Indoor environmental quality

Provide IAQ monitoring via CO2 sensor (CO2 sensor for each ClimateMaster Rx ERV)
Provide for effective delivery and mixing of fresh outdoor air Design system for air change effectiveness 30% greater than ASHRAE 62.1-2007 minimum


Thermal comfort

Comply with ASHRAE 55 thermal comfort standards
Include temperature and humidity monitoring with humidification and/or dehumidification capabilities


Innovation in design

Up to five points for exceptional performance above requirements set by the LEED program (e.g. Provide training on green buildings, open to the public (must be pre-approved)
One point may be earned for an involved LEED accredited professional – Architect, Engineer, Contractor, Manufacturer’s Representative, Etc.


Total potential points contribution to certified jobs:


ClimateMaster, Inc.

7300 S.W. 44th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73179


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